
Rayo Withanage is the program co-ordinator of the Withanage Foundation, which works in the non-profit and charity sector. The Foundation is chaired and controlled by Rahula Withanage. Mr. Withanage develops the following areas:

Sustainable Development

The Withanage family supports several philanthropic and development orientated initiatives. The family is engaged in the development of environmental reserves for the preservation of delicate environments such as mangroves and primary rainforests. The family works with local communities to develop sustainable businesses to promote livelihoods in a manner that preserves cultural and indigenous beliefs. The family also sponsor healthcare initiatives in Asia which fund lifesaving operations on a daily basis.

The Arts

The Withanage family is currently working to support the arts, across music, art, literature, film and television, and to conserve important cultural assets. The family is engaged in promoting the careers of aspiring artists and preserving the legacy of modern masters. The family feels strongly that the arts are a crucial part of life, and should be sustained and energised for future generations.

Research & Exploration

The Withanage family supports navigation work by land and sea to cover a number of fields of study. Fellows work with prominent universities and foundations to advance research for approved post graduate work and raise money for worthy causes. The family works for the advancement in the fields of earth sciences, oceanography, geography, and archaeology. Rayo Withanage is particularly passionate about the exploration & preservation of Borneo which is home to the world’s oldest rainforest and incredible cultural and biological diversity.

Comparative Religion

The Withanage family supports scholars and religious leaders in promoting the study of comparative religion, which is the branch of the study concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices of the world's faiths. The comparative study of religion yields a deeper understanding of fundamental philosophical concerns such as ethics, metaphysics and the nature and form of salvation. The goal is a richer and more sophisticated understanding of human beliefs and practices regarding the sacred, numinous, spiritual and divine. The Withanage family are partners with Faith in the Commonwealth, a global citizenship education program for young citizens of all faiths and none across all the nations of the Commonwealth.

Advocacy & Activism

Withanage trained as a lawyer and political scientist with a focus on predictive regime dynamics between authoritarianism and democracy. His postgraduate study in the field was particularly focused on counter-hegemonics and democratization. Withanage established BMB Islamic in 2006 as a leading think tank on Shariah compliant finance which was responsible for significant innovation and reformation of Shariah Law. BMB Islamic advised the Malaysian Prime Minister’s office and the Organization of Islamic Countries on the development of charitable initiatives for socioeconomic equality. Rayo Withanage has been a proactive advocate, working with religious, intergovernmental and world leaders to promote inclusion and equality on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation.

“From ignorance, lead me to truth; From darkness, lead me to light; From death lead me to immortality”

— Brihadaranayaka Upanisad 700 BC